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Sunday, October 28, 2012

If sport in the snow is one of your favorite sports certainly will not remain indifferent to this name - sled and also the domain sled.in
This domain is for sale for a reasonable price considering that is a short word (4L domain) and the word is related to transportation and sports on snow.

If you prefer to make an offer (starting bid is only $35 and the minimum bid is $45) you can follow the auction at our facebook page on the url address


Just click above and find the posting on this subject and start to bid. The first bidder (if the auction was succeed) will win a coupoun code of $50. Then starting bid is so easy and do not cost you anything (hoping that auction will follow its own way wuth more bidders envolved on it).

If you are interested to create a sports website you can also visit our main web site clicking on the banner below and click on the menu at the top of the site that says "domains for sale".

Banner Domains International